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Teeth Whitening Towson, MD

Everybody wants to look in the mirror and love the smile looking back at them. Often that begins with a beautiful bright white smile. We offer in-office and at-home whitening solutions as part of our cosmetic dentistry offerings.

Professional Teeth Whitening in Towson

The Safest Option

Dr. Welinsky and Dr. Bederson can advise you if the discoloration of your teeth results from an underlying factor that will not respond to whitening treatment. This will save you from continuing to try for impossible results and harming your teeth, excessive whitening can cause dental damage.

Long-Lasting Results

Unlike store-bought whitening treatments, a professional whitening treatment from Dr. Welinsky and Dr. Bederson typically provides results that last a long time. Dr. Welinsky and Dr. Bederson can also provide you with a take-home maintenance kit. This kit may include custom-fit trays and whitening gel to use at home, especially if you would like to see your teeth another shade or two brighter.

Designed Specifically For You

Most whitening treatments, especially trays and strips, are sold as one-size-fits-all. In reality, these rarely fit the majority of users, because each person’s smile comes in a different size and shape. Incorrect fitting trays and strips are the biggest reason patients experience uneven whitening and sensitivity in the teeth and gums.

For the in-office whitening treatment, Dr. Welinsky and Dr. Bederson apply the gel onto each tooth, providing even coverage of all teeth. These custom trays provide uniform application of the whitening treatment and protect the lips and gums from making contact with the gel.

Professional Strength

The whitening products sold in stores contain a small amount of whitening agent, usually around 3 percent peroxide, which may provide results for patients who have light stains on their teeth, but may not do much for those with severe or intrinsic stains. Most over-the-counter products will provide results one to two shades brighter.

The whitening gel Welinsky and Bederson use comes in a professional strength only available to dentists, with up to 35 percent peroxide strength. The gel can penetrate the enamel of your teeth, removing stubborn stains the store-bought kits cannot touch. Our professional treatment can whiten your teeth by up to ten shades in just one visit.

What to expect at Sweet Tooth Dentistry

One of the biggest advantages of a professional whitening treatment comes from the knowledge that Dr. Welinsky possesses about teeth staining. Dr. Welinsky will begin your whitening treatment by performing an exam of your teeth to try and determine the cause of the stains.

Dr. Welinsky will mostly see extrinsic stains, those that appear on the outside of the teeth caused by the food and beverages we consume, as well as lifestyle choices such as using tobacco and other environmental factors. Sometimes, however, Dr. Welinsky will find that a patient has intrinsic stains, which emanate from inside the teeth. These stains prove very hard to remove, and may not even respond to professional treatment.

Occasionally, your discolored teeth may indicate another issue. Teeth that appear darker than normal may signify tooth decay or a problem with a root canal. Dr. Welinsky can identify these issues when you come in for a whitening treatment and repair the tooth, rather than masking the problem with a whitening treatment.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Is it bad to professionally whiten teeth?

No. In fact, getting your teeth whitened by a trained professional is the safest way to whiten your teeth. You can avoid issues with sensitivity and patchy results if you go to a professional instead of using over-the-counter products.

Why do my teeth look yellow after whitening?

Yellowness even after whitening is a sign that you have thing tooth enamel. This is something that happens as we age, but can also be an effect of other issues. If you have thin enamel, we offer whitening solutions like porcelain veneers that can cover your teeth and provide the shade of white you desire.

How long will my teeth stay white?

Factors like your eating, drinking, and lifestyle habits can all impact how long the effects of professional whitening lasts. It can range anywhere from 6 months to 2-3 years. We can also provide touch-up sessions so you can experience the effects longer.