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Teeth Grinding Solutions

Do you have trouble with grinding your teeth in stressful situations? Maybe you’ve noticed yourself clenching your teeth and you’ve tried to correct and relax your jaw.

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can occur unconsciously in sleep or in stressful situations when awake. Some common signs of bruxism may include jaw pain or soreness, worn or flattened teeth, and chronic headaches. Tooth pain and loose teeth may also be signs of bruxism. Teeth clenching or grinding may be attributed to stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, and an abnormal bite.

Treatment Options for Teeth Grinding

At Welinsky Dental Care, it is our mission to provide patients with the best of the best treatment options. Treatment for bruxism is no exception.

Some of the teeth-grinding treatment options that we offer include:

Night Guard

Similar to a mouth guard, a night guard is used to prevent teeth clenching and grinding at the source. Night guards are custom-fit to teeth for a patient’s comfort and keep teeth aligned. Professional-grade night guards are also more effective than those that are over the counter, as they conform to teeth.

Restorative Dentistry

In severe cases of teeth clenching and grinding when teeth have been worn and damaged, veneers, crowns, or tooth bonding may be needed. Porcelain veneers are used if an entire row of teeth is completely worn. Dental crowns fit over specific teeth that have been damaged. Tooth bonding uses a resin that is adhered to teeth as a cover. Restorative dentistry protects teeth from further wear and improves their appearance.


Clear aligners are utilized in this treatment to keep teeth in place. Like a night guard, the clear plastic is custom-fit to keep teeth in line. Unlike traditional braces, there is no possibility of Invisalign irritating teeth or gums, and they are painless to wear.

Schedule an Appointment

Stop bruxism from wearing down your teeth once and for all. If you want to stop your teeth from clenching and grinding once and for all, call Welinsky Dental Care at (410) 321-8480 or schedule an appointment with us online here.