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Dental Implants or Dentures: Which is Best?

dental implants baltimoreMissing teeth can negatively impact your confidence and the functionality of your smile. Finding the best tooth replacement option for you depends on your unique situation, but most patients tend to consider dentures or dental implants. How do you know which is right for you? Towson, MD, restorative dentist Dr. Kevin Welinsky will conduct a thorough evaluation of your oral health to help you make the best decision.

Dental Implants vs. Dentures: Benefits of Each

Dentures have been a tooth replacement treatment for a long time. They are full arches of artificial teeth that fit in the patient’s mouth and function like natural teeth. Dentures are a lower-cost option than dental implants, but this also comes with more maintenance.

Dental implants, on the other hand, are small titanium posts that are surgically implanted in the jaw. A false tooth is secured to the post and offers the same functionality as natural teeth. Your dentist can insert four dental implants to support a full arch of missing teeth in a treatment called implant-secured dentures. These dentures do not require removal for cleaning or any special maintenance.

Implants feel, look, and function the same as natural teeth, won’t change shape or warp over time, and are less likely to break – giving you the natural, low-maintenance effect of natural teeth.

Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

Implants are not ideal for all patients, although they are normally the preferred treatment. Dental implants require the underlying jawbone to be intact, so if you have begun to experience bone loss, you may not be a good candidate for implants. There are treatments for re-growing jawbone, so dental implants aren’t out of the question.

Patients who are missing multiple teeth may want to consider implant-supported dentures as a way to preserve jawbone health. Implants actually support the health of the underlying jawbone and facial structure by stimulating bone growth. Removable dentures do not provide this stability and may result in further bone deterioration.

Replace Missing Teeth in Towson, MD

To learn more about restorative dental care or to discuss your specific needs and dental concerns, contact our Towson dentist office at (410) 692-8453. We welcome new patients from many Baltimore area communities and offer personalized care for your restorative needs.